
GEOL 4301 – Geography of the Middle East and North Africa

Description:  Geography of the Middle East and North Africa is a comprehensive study of the region, as it pertains to physical and cultural geography, history, economics, and geopolitical issues.

Pre-requisites:  None.

Related Goal:  I have taken GEOL 4301 Latin America and GEOL 4301 Geographical Terrorism and this subject matter is interesting to me and helps me in fictional writing for video games.

Rationale: In this course I will to learn about the culture and history of the region of the Middle East and North Africa. I will learn how this region influences the rest of the world and the importance of understanding the region as it stands currently. By the end of the course, I will take this knowledge and apply it to existing knowledge in geographical Terrorism to fictional writing associated with video games.

GEOL 4301 – Natural Disasters

Description:  In-depth study of the dynamic earth processes that affect people throughout their lives.

Pre-requisites:  None

Related Goal:  This course does not directly related to my goals, however, looking into what the class is teaching I could use this information in a few potential ways. One method could be to apply information and apply it to a 3D Virtual Reality experience to explain the dangers of natural disasters in a more visual format.

Rationale: In this course I will learn how the earth processes affect people. I will use this knowledge and apply it to the understanding of the construction of buildings and other structures in a 3D virtual reality space. This information will also be applied to any travel or relocation need by my work.

COSC 3323 – Fundamentals of Digital Media

Description:  This is a course for students from all disciplines interested in learning the foundational concepts and basic techniques in digital media production.

Pre-requisites:  COSC 2330; or COSC 1371 or equivalent

Related goal: I will be able to apply these skills as another ability I can market myself as for future freelance jobs and other projects. This course is a discipline I would like to improve my skills. I will take these lessons and apply them to one of my professional goals of creating a short film by December 31, 2016.

Rationale: In this course I will learn about foundational concept and techniques of digital media. This class will cover these techniques in the area of digital images and video. The class will end with a project and showcase the skills learned in a portfolio piece. This course will be a key class for my professionally helping me get up to speed on the latest software and techniques used today in this field. This will help me attract new business as a freelance artist by using the class project as a demonstration of these skills.

COMM 3361 – Desktop Publishing

Description:  Focuses on the use of computer technology to set type, design pages, and create camera-ready copy for newsletters, brochure, advertisements, and other publications.

Pre-requisites:  COMM 1373 or approval of instructor

Related goal: I have previous experience working in a print shop and doing similar work as this course. Though it has been over ten years since doing that work, this course will help me bring my skill of desktop publishing to current standards. This knowledge may present opportunities for work outside of my current skill set as a digital artist.

Rationale:  In this course I will prepare digital content ready for printing in a professional manner. I will be able to build a new section to my digital portfolio showcasing my skills as a layout artist. This refined knowledge will introduce many new opportunities for my professional career.

COMM 3390 – Conflict Management/Small Group Communication

Description:  Theory and practice of small group communication and conflict management processes.

Pre-requisites:  COMM 1318, sophomore standing or approval of instructor

Related goal: This class will help me work on conflict resolution in the creative process of making video game content. As an independent contractor, communication is key and learning to work with clients to achieve their goals and balance that with the artistic aesthetics that the customer wants to experience.

Rationale: In this class I will learn about leadership, conflict management and problem-solving in a professional setting. This course will allow me to challenge my current abilities as a person in a leadership role to see if my methods currently align with professional standards. I will compare my current understanding of leadership and refine my methods making me a stronger communicator.

BCOM 3350 – Business Communication

Description:  Emphasis on practical applications of business writing and speaking scenarios. The course covers how to write memos, letter, resumes, analytical reports, and how to give a professional oral presentation.

Pre-requisites:  Junior Standing

Related goal: As an independent artist contractor, I will learn how to write and prepare documents to present to my clients.

Rationale: In this class I will focus on practical applications of writing and speaking in a professional setting. I will take these lessons and apply them immediately to my methods for seeking freelance work from small and large companies.